Shiny Litleo arrives for Pokémon Go's Lunar New Year celebration
Image via Niantic
The Lunar New Year event for Pokémon Become is on the style, starting at the get-go of February, kicking things off for the last month of the Season of Heritage. There will be plenty of wild Pokémon to run into and field research for players to complete, along with the chance to capture a shiny version of Litleo, the Panthera leo Cub Pokémon.
Shiny Litleo will be available at the beginning of the outcome on February ane at 10 AM in your local fourth dimension zone. Litleo will accept increased encounters throughout the upshot, and you lot can notice information technology in the wild, in i-star raids, or every bit a reward for completing field research tasks.
While exploring the wild, players have the hazard to see Paras, Meowth, Growlith, Voltorb, Hisuian Voltorb, Magikarp, and Torchic. If players are lucky, they might run across Electrabuzz, Gyarados, or Combusken wandering around.
Players can look forward to seeing Darumaka, Shinx, Magikarp, and Espurr actualization in one-star encounters for raids. Charizard, Flareon, Shuckle, Delcatty, Absol, and Druddigon volition be making appearances for iii-star encounters, and Regirock, who knows the charged motion convulsion, is swooping into the v-star raid.
There volition likewise be a timed research with tasks that advantage players for catching Pokémon and improving their friends throughout the event.
The Lunar New year's day issue begins on February ane and goes until the 7. It's the start of a busy month, with Deoxys shiny raids happening throughout the last part of February, and all players should exist looking forward to those.
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